What to expect from your visit to an EMR site

Whilst EMR teams spend every day on-site, we also know the prospect of visiting a metal recycling yard for the first time can be an alien – even daunting – one.

What to expect from your visit to an EMR site

That’s why, for site managers such as Sam Tudjaroglu, a big priority is making your experience at an EMR yard as positive and easy as possible.


“For us it is about giving customers the reassurance that we are safe, friendly and that you’ll get a great experience when you come on-site,” says Sam, who runs EMR’s Southampton yard.


So, what can you expect on your visit to an EMR site? Whether you sign up for an EMR account online or arrive at the gates as a new customer, the priority for EMR is ensuring that our customers and colleagues are always safe.


“When new customers sign up for an account online, there’s information to remind customers to bring the right ID and explain that all visitors need a hard hat and hi-vis vest or jacket to come on site. Then, when customers arrive – even if they are a regular customer – our colleagues will ask them if they’ve brought the right safety clothing.”


Haven’t got a hard hat? Don’t panic. Due to coronavirus restrictions, EMR is not able to lend out this equipment but any customer who arrives without it can buy it from us then and there.


With safety assured, the next most important element of a good visit is knowing where to go. Every EMR site is slightly different, but our teams spend time making sure your journey around the yard is clearly marked.


Signage that you would expect to see at an EMR site.


This starts with signage welcoming you to the site as you arrive, guiding you to our ferrous (iron and steel), non-ferrous (copper, brass, cable, aluminium, stainless steel and car batteries) and vehicle recycling processing areas and then right through to our payment office and then the exit.


“At EMR, we really focus on our signage to guide customers throughout the site. We have also spoken to our customers to get their perspective – it’s a big priority,” says Sam. “We try to make it as fast and fuss free as possible so that customers can pull into our site, follow the signage, drop off their material and get back on the road without coming across any of the heavy lorries and trucks that also use our sites.”


Of course, one of the advantages of dropping off scrap metal with EMR is that we pay you for it then and there. That’s why we ask you to give your account details when you arrive on our weighbridge (it’s where we also check you have the right safety clothing). If you don’t have an account with us, we will give you a temporary account.


Setting up a permanent account takes around five minutes whilst on site but don’t worry if you’re in a rush – you can come back to complete this later at a time that suits you.


Our colleagues are on hand to help guide you throughout the process of dropping off your material – from unloading to grading. You can then pick up a ticket from the weighbridge.


Signage that you would expect to see at an EMR site.


Again, this is all well signposted, and you’ll be guided to our parking area, before heading to our payment office, where the amount we can pay for your material will be confirmed.


EMR offers a range of payment options. “This includes same day to your bank (for a small fee), overnight bank transfer or by cheque. You can even cash your cheque with us straight away as we act as agents on behalf of Cheque Exchange, allowing you to leave our site with the money in your pocket,” says Sam.


Then, that’s it – your first visit to an EMR site will be over and, thanks to our customer service and clear directions, we’re sure you’ll be happy and ready to make your next visit. We can’t wait to see you again!